From the Pastor’s Desk
Happy Thanksgiving!
From the Pastor’s Desk
November 28, 2024
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ for you.”
This quote from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 seems quite appropriate for today. Today is the day that has been historically designated as a day where we recognize the providential care of God and His care for us. He abundantly cares for our needs and His mercies are new every morning. I find that when I am consciously rejoicing and remaining in an attitude of prayer, it’s much more natural for me to give thanks in everything. In everything? That seems a little much, doesn’t it? What I’ve observed in my own life is that the three instructions above go together. As we abide in Christ we are able to pray without ceasing, abide in joy and have thankful hearts. All this to say….
Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Pastor Chris Yount